Maintain Your Unit
Braid Pattern:
Having your hair braided up underneath your unit creates a flat and believable look. It also promotes hair growth. Having a unit gives you the ability to take your hair out more often for treatments, more frequent washes, etc. The best pattern for a lace closure unit is one that leaves a part in the place you want your unit's part to be. In the photo, these braids will work best for a middle part unit. The transparent lace will have your scalp underneath vs braids so it will look more realistic. You can also use a flesh tone stocking cap to give the illusion of a scalp if you are unable to braid your hair this way. You braids don't have to be small, but they must be flat. With a U-Part Unit, braid your hair as if you are getting a weave with leave-out.

Washing Your Unit:
Fill your clean sink with luke warm water.
Add a 2 caps of shampoo sulfate/alcohol-free in the water.
Gently swish the unit in the water for about 30 seconds to a minute until the wig is saturated. Gently rub the wig cap, until clean. And remember to be VERY, VERY, GENTLE near the closure. DON'T RUB THIS AREA, COMB THROUGH!
Empty the water and rinse the hair with cool water until the water runs clear.
Refill the clean sink with cool water and add a generous amount of conditioner to the water and dip the unit in and out of the water and use a wide tooth comb or Denman brush to detangle from the bottom up.
Empty the sink and rinse thoroughly with cool water.
Gently squeeze excess water out of your unit.
Place the wig on a wig stand and leave in a ventilated area to dry overnight. In front of a fan is best. As an option to keep curly hair in place you can spray on a little leave-in conditioner.
Make sure you find the part in the lace closure so the unit can dry in formation.
When the wig is entirely dry, re-style the wig gently. ALWAYS use heat protectant when using heat styling tools
Over time your unit may become stretched out, you may need to replace your closure, your elastic may get loose, etc. Like a car, your unit may need a tune up. We provide services to keep your unit looking great. Please book an appointment for our drop off Unit Revival service.